Is the Kia EV6 eligible for tax credits?

I bought a KIA EV6 on finance from a dealership ten days ago. I knew the U.S. had made a new law about tax credits for electric cars and needing to be assembled in the U.S., but I didn’t know it started right away.

Before buying, I asked the salesperson at the dealership if the EV6 would still get the tax credit in 2022. They checked with their manager and said yes. After buying the car, I looked into it more and found out my car might not qualify because it was made in South Korea.

I went back to the dealership because they might have given me the wrong information. They talked to their boss, the General Manager, who said my car should still qualify.

I’m waiting on hold now to hear from Kia Customer Service to know for sure.

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It sounds like you did your due diligence by asking the salesperson before buying, and then following up when you had doubts.

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Dealing with incorrect tax credit info for your Kia EV6? Contact Kia Customer Service for clarity. Also, consult a tax professional and check the IRS website for accurate advice. Keep records of all communications.

You were thorough by questioning the salesperson initially and investigating further when unsure. Great job staying informed.

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Frustrating to get wrong tax credit info on your EV6! Reach out to Kia Customer Service, maybe they’ll have a clue. Don’t forget to check with a tax pro and the IRS to sort this mess. Keep all your receipts and emails as proof.

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It’s frustrating that the dealership might have misinformed you about the tax credit. It’s good you’re checking directly with Kia Customer Service for accurate information. Always best to verify these details yourself!

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You did the right thing by double-checking the information about the tax credit. It’s important to question and verify, especially with new laws in play.

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