Has Anyone NOT Experienced the Battery Drain Issue on the 2025 Carnival?

Hallo people… :unamused:

I’ve seen a lot of posts about battery drain issues with the 2025 Kia Carnival. Seems like a bunch of people are dealing with it, but I’m wondering—has anyone managed to avoid this problem for a good amount of timeI’ve checked the main Kia sub and can’t find any mention of this issue there. Is it really as common as it seems, or are there folks who haven’t had any issues?
Would love to hear if anyone’s had a different experience!

Best wishes…

Regretfully, it appears that 2025 Carnival owners frequently have battery drain. Several reports from different forums and communities discussing this issue may be found online. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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:neutral_face:Certain car models may have particular setups or parts that are less prone to the issue.Battery drain can be influenced by your driving habits and the features you utilize in your car.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Extreme temperatures or other environmental conditions could impact battery performance.

:relieved:There might be variations in the quality or manufacturing processes of individual vehicles.