I have a 2022 Soul without push start or remote start, but I have two physical keys. I’m hoping someone can help with this issue. I’ve tried leaving the car running with one key in the ignition and using the other key fob to lock the doors, but it doesn’t work. It’s really frustrating.
It won’t work. They changed this a few years ago. Older cars let you do it, but now it’s a standard feature to prevent locking the doors with the key in the ignition. Although… hmm … maybe you can trick it. Try putting something heavy on the driver’s seat so the sensor thinks someone is sitting there. Then try locking it.
Lol, so annoying. I’ll try putting something on the seat to see if it works.
KiaRevolution said:
Lol, so annoying. I’ll try putting something on the seat to see if it works.
Make sure to leave a window down just in case you get locked out. Or, get in the car with it running, give the other fob to someone outside, and have them try locking and unlocking it.
No luck, the fob won’t work while the car is running.
The seat sensor doesn’t affect this.
The only real solution is to get a remote start unit. They’re not too expensive if you’re okay with doing the wiring yourself.
As for the car’s behavior, it lets you lock the doors with the door controls when the door is closed, but not with the fob.
If you open the door, the driver’s door unlocks while the others stay locked. Trying to manually lock the driver’s door unlocks all doors.
I haven’t found a way around this other than rolling the driver’s window down and leaning in to start the car. It seems designed to prevent locking the keys inside.
Looks like I’ll have to install a remote start.
My car has a physical key. As a delivery driver, I use two keys to lock the doors while the A/C is on.
Here’s what I do:
- Come to a stop.
- Put the car in Park.
- The doors automatically unlock. I hit the lock button to lock them.
- Get out and lock the driver’s door from the outside by turning the key clockwise.
The doors stay locked, and the engine stays running.
I can’t lock the driver’s door from the outside because there’s no keyhole. I give up. I’m just going to get a remote starter installed lol.
Open and slam all the doors, including the hatch, and try again.
Kimberly said:
Open and slam all the doors, including the hatch, and try again.
I’m trying to lock the doors with the key in the ignition.