Anyone else's car take a long time to heat up?

It’s so surprising for a vehicle made for such a cold climate.

I’ve found smart mode with air recycling on works best. Run it on your feet until the engine temp gets past a quarter of the way, then you can set it to high if you want.

I can’t say. This is why I use the remote start 10 minutes before I leave.

SorentoRanger said:
I can’t say. This is why I use the remote start 10 minutes before I leave.

One 10-minute remote start doesn’t warm the car when it’s -25°F.

SorentoRanger said:
I can’t say. This is why I use the remote start 10 minutes before I leave.

Yeah, 10 minutes isn’t enough time.

My hybrid takes 5 minutes to heat up. Sucks but it is what it is.