Anyone else really miss their K5? 💔

Are you okay? That looks pretty rough.

Miller said:
Are you okay? That looks pretty rough.

Seems like it didn’t protect them as well as it should’ve.

Miltan said:

Miller said:
Are you okay? That looks pretty rough.

Seems like it didn’t protect them as well as it should’ve.


Actually, it seems like it did protect you pretty well! In an accident with a big truck like that, most people would’ve expected worse. Hope you came out of it without major injuries.

You really got hit hard there .

Rowen said:
You really got hit hard there!


These big trucks should just be banned.

Brynn said:
These big trucks should just be banned.

Nah… banning isn’t the solution. Maybe they should just be sold to people who actually know how to drive them.

OptimaOwner said:

Brynn said:
These big trucks should just be banned.

Nah… banning isn’t the solution. Maybe they should just be sold to people who actually know how to drive them.

Yeah, maybe require a special license for trucks that big. Regular people don’t need something that heavy just for everyday driving.

Honestly, people who need a work vehicle usually get something different than these big pickups.

Not true, there are plenty of uses for trucks even if it’s not for work.

Wow, that looks intense. Were you hurt?

Gerald said:
Wow, that looks intense. Were you hurt?

Yeah, just a small fracture in my knee, so there’s a tiny piece of bone floating around somewhere :joy:

AnthonyWilson said:

Gerald said:
Wow, that looks intense. Were you hurt?

Yeah, just a small fracture in my knee, so there’s a tiny piece of bone floating around somewhere :joy:

Hope their insurance is covering your medical expenses. Wishing you a fast recovery!

I’d be so upset if that happened to my car.

I’ve got the EX model and it’s been great. Thinking of getting a Tucson or Sportage soon for more space, but the K5 has been solid for road trips.

SorentoRanger said:
I’ve got the EX model and it’s been great. Thinking of getting a Tucson or Sportage soon for more space, but the K5 has been solid for road trips.

Absolutely, these new SUVs from Kia are stunning.

Sorry to hear this happened to you. Hope you’re doing okay, and maybe that other guy’s car is done for too .

Annbrinkman said:
Sorry to hear this happened to you. Hope you’re doing okay, and maybe that other guy’s car is done for too!

Thanks, appreciate it :pray: