Why does my 2016 Kia Soul keep getting broken into?

I always make sure to lock my car every day. The lock makes a loud horn sound, so I know it’s locked. But somehow, people keep breaking into it! Is there some kind of universal key or tool people can get to unlock it? Luckily, I removed anything valuable, so nothing was taken this time. I’m just grateful they didn’t steal the car itself, but it’s really stressful knowing someone has gone through my stuff.

You should get a security system with a loud alarm. People can be awful.

I got this cheap blinking red light on Amazon. It runs on batteries or solar power. You can put it anywhere in your car, and it looks like a real alarm. Thieves usually skip cars with blinking lights. Every other car in my lot got broken into except mine. It’s under $10 too!

That’s a great idea! I’m buying one right now. Thanks a lot!

Are they smashing a window or bypassing your security? Thieves can actually hack your key fob signal without even touching it.

I had no idea! But every time it happens, my radio and Bluetooth glitch out for about 5 minutes.

I had an older car with a key fob, and sometimes if a big truck drove by, it would unlock my doors. I lived in a rough area, but my apartment complex was gated, so I was lucky nothing got stolen. But I’d often find my car unlocked in the morning. People will take any chance they get. One time, my wife accidentally popped her trunk a little, and the next morning, someone had taken my tools and my brother-in-law’s jack. People really don’t care.

I’m really sorry this keeps happening. It’s probably the so-called “Kia Boyz.”. If you haven’t heard about them, here’s an article explaining it: Who are the “Kia Boyz”? How TikTok fueled an epidemic of car thefts - Ars Technica. Stuff like this makes me wish they’d just shut down TikTok already.

Honestly, your best bet might be to call the police, move to a safer area, or trade in your car. People can be really terrible. I have a soul too, and I’m always nervous about this happening.