Oil leaked out of my 2024 Telluride… anyone else?

Bought our 2024 Telluride brand new in June '24. It has 12,000 miles now. My wife drove it about 8 miles to the store today and said she heard a rattling noise. I went outside and saw oil all over the ground. Last oil change was at 10,000 miles in November, done by a local shop. Calling the dealership in the morning, but has this happened to anyone else? It was running fine a few days ago.

The oil filter housing is plastic. If they didn’t tighten it properly, it could have cracked.

Williamson said:
The oil filter housing is plastic. If they didn’t tighten it properly, it could have cracked.

Same thing happened to mine.

We had the same issue at 7,000 miles. Check the oil filter and drain plug. Some shops use aftermarket filters and washers, and that can cause leaks. Ours only leaked when it was cold. Switched to an OEM filter and washer—no more leaks.

Just happened to me too. Had to get the drain plug fixed. While I was at the shop, another person came in with the exact same problem. Super annoying.

Took my 2023 to the dealership for an oil change. They asked if I’d noticed any oil spots on the ground. They found oil around the plug but weren’t sure where it was coming from. Told me to keep an eye on it until the next service. Glad I always go to the dealer where I bought it—they’ve been great.

The oil pan is pretty thin, and the drain plug can strip it easily. Had to get a new pan installed at the dealership a year ago. Now it’s leaking again at the gasket.


The dealer has it ready for pickup. They said my local shop forgot to put the washer back on the drain plug during the last oil change.

susanbauer said:

The dealer has it ready for pickup. They said my local shop forgot to put the washer back on the drain plug during the last oil change.

Weird mistake since the oil filter usually comes with a new crush washer.

Check the simple stuff first—drain plug, filter, etc. Maybe the shop didn’t tighten something properly. Get under the car and see where the oil is coming from.

When was your last oil change? Hope you’re using the Kia dealership… The oil filter housing is plastic? What were they thinking… Plastic gets brittle over time with heat. It has to be torqued exactly right. This is the one dumb design choice Kia made with this car. I’ll always take mine to the dealership. Got a 2020 SXL, and when mine breaks (because it will), it’s their problem to fix. Maybe it’ll even turn into a recall.

The oil filter housing is right behind the front passenger wheel.

A lot of cars have plastic housings, not just Kia/Hyundai. My VW’s housing cost me almost $1,000 to replace, and now it’s leaking again after just a couple of years. At least the Telluride’s is cheap and easy to swap.

Maybe if enough people report it, it’ll get recalled.

Dealerships overcharge for oil changes. Better to do it yourself and keep receipts.

CathyKia said:
Dealerships overcharge for oil changes. Better to do it yourself and keep receipts.

In Canada, I think your warranty is void if you don’t get oil changes done at the dealership or an approved shop. Mine costs $60 CAD, including tax, and I use Pennzoil Ultra Platinum full synthetic 5W30. Worth it for peace of mind.