Is There a Way to Stop Filling Up My Gas Tank Every Week?

I drive a 2010 Kia Soul! It’s my first car, got it when I was 17 (now I’m 23). I bought it at 109k miles, so it’s been through some miles already. Now it’s at 169k after 5 years. I was wondering if there’s a way to stop having to put gas in it every week? I don’t drive too far most of the time, only around 40+ miles a week at most. I get my oil changed every 3k, tried gas additives, and let the car warm up for a bit. Any advice would be appreciated!

Try using intake cleaner, it might help with efficiency.

What kind of miles per gallon are you getting? City driving for the 2L engine is probably around 18 mpg or less. On the highway, it’s usually rated at 27 mpg, but I bet it’s closer to 25 mpg for your car now.

I’m not exactly sure, but last time I checked I got about 250-300 miles per tank.

theresabostick said:
I’m not exactly sure, but last time I checked I got about 250-300 miles per tank.

Are you mostly city driving or highway?

Once a week for gas? That must be nice! My wife drives the Soul, and I swear she fills it up every week. I drive further for work, so I took over her car. On the highway, if I really push it, I can get about 42 mpg. I fill up every third day since I drive about 100 miles daily for work. In the Soul, she gets about 20-22 mpg, though. I suggest looking into hypermiling techniques to stretch your gas.

Air filter replacement, intake cleaning, and spark plug changes could also improve fuel efficiency.