Is my frame damaged? Could someone confirm?

Got rear ended today, I set up an appointment with a mechanic for Monday, but the desk clerk mentioned that this splintered beam might be part of the car’s frame. If that’s the case, I’m not sure how comfortable I’d be driving my car until I get body work done. I think this might be part of the bumper, but I’m curious if anyone here has an answer.

You’re gonna need to get underneath to confirm. What you’re seeing might just be cosmetic.

Without getting underneath, all I can say is that the license plate frame doesn’t seem damaged.

The fiberglass is part of the bumper structure. Does the hatch open and close okay? If the bottom of that all lines up fine, it probably isn’t too bad (structurally speaking). Even if the rear of the car was caved in, you could still drive it. It’s not like the wheels will fall off :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, there’s a lot to a car, and you’ve only shown about 1/1000th of it :laughing:

I had a Kia Soul accident a year ago. The insurance adjuster mentioned that Kia Souls are uni-body, meaning the frame is one big piece. So if any damage is done to that part, the car should be considered totaled, like mine was. Hope that helps!

It’s probably just the Impact Bar (reinforced foam) and rear bumper panel. Mine was hit in the exact same spot, with about the same amount of damage. It’s 100% fixable.