Part number 89A43R0060OFB, listed price is $81.45. Found this info through a quick search. The dealer should be able to help you get the part.
maryschultz said:
Part number 89A43R0060OFB, listed price is $81.45. Found this info through a quick search. The dealer should be able to help you get the part.
Thanks, that’s really helpful .
You’re welcome. Hope it works out for you.
Looks like you’ve been lifting weights too hard!
Calvine said:
Looks like you’ve been lifting weights too hard!
Haha, yeah, maybe that’s it!
Replacing that handle could be a big job if the part is even available. It’ll involve taking apart the seat, which might cost a lot. You could also look into buying a whole seat from a salvage yard and just swapping it.
This looks like something my kids would do to my car. They break everything!
That sucks. I haven’t seen this happen before, but it’s probably not cheap. I wonder if Kia has instructions for dealers on replacing just the handle or if they’ll make you replace the whole seat.
Hopefully you can find just the handle at a shop. If not, try checking a junkyard. You might find a wrecked car and get the seat for cheap. I’ve had luck finding random interior parts this way after my kids destroyed mine.
I do have warranty, so I’m hoping it’s covered.
It’s crazy that something like this would break. Check if your warranty covers it because it really shouldn’t fail like that.
Kia should’ve used metal for that part. Plastic just doesn’t cut it sometimes.
Call your dealer. They should be able to sort this out quickly.
MalikTheKing said:
Call your dealer. They should be able to sort this out quickly.
I already contacted them. They’re supposed to call back soon to confirm if it’s under warranty.
I’m curious—how did this happen? Also, where in Ontario are you?
Kia said:
I’m curious—how did this happen? Also, where in Ontario are you?
I was just trying to adjust the seat, but the handle broke. I’m in Barrie, but I got the car from out of town.
Was it really cold when this happened? Sometimes the freezing temps make plastic parts brittle.
If you got your car only a week ago, you should definitely talk to the dealer who sold it to you. They might cover it.
Does your warranty cover this?