Clunking and Stuttery Feeling When Turning – Anyone Experienced This?

Hi enthusisasts

I’m hoping to get some insights from those who might have experienced similar issues. We recently bought a 2024 Telluride SX X-Line in June. Since we’ve had it, we’ve noticed a couple of concerning problems:

  1. There’s a noticeable clunking noise, which seems to be a persistent issue.
  2. :grin: When making turns, it sometimes feels like the vehicle is in 4WD and has a sort of stuttery or hoppy sensation in the back.

I’m not sure if these two issues are related or if they might be caused by the same underlying problem. I’m planning to take it in for a check-up this week, but I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced both of these issues or has any insights into what might be going on.


How to Proceed by Looking for any obvious damage indicators, such as leaking fluids or worn or torn suspension parts.

How to Proceed:
Look for any obvious damage indicators, such as leaking fluids or worn or torn suspension parts.

Yes, I’ve experienced a clunking and stuttery feeling when turning. It could be due to issues with the suspension, steering components, or possibly the drivetrain. It’s best to have a mechanic check it out to diagnose and fix the problem.